
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Carole Matthews Psychic Medium: Gifts that keep giving!

Caroles’ Book List... Enjoy!

Affirmation: I allow myself to receive and so it is!
What a wonderful time of the year...a time to give and receive (although I believe every day is an opportunity to share with ourselves and others)
I have compiled a list of books etc. that I have enjoyed and feel many can benefit from their messages . Enjoy😇

1) Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness and much more...Dr.Anne Marie Evers
2) Hello from Heaven...Bill & Judy Guggenheim
3) The Four Agreements...Don Miguel Ruiz
4) When God Winks...Squire Rushnell
5) Animal Speak...Ted Andrews
6) Third Circle Protocol ... ..Georgina Cannon
7) You and Your Future...Georgia Nicols
8) If You Hear the Message Three Times Listen ...Patricia Heller
9) Live The Life You Were Born To Live... Dan Millman ***also available is Life Purpose App
10) Only Love is Real . ..Brian Weiss
11) Power of Intention...Wayne Dyer
12) Louise Hay...You Can Heal your Life ***also on DVD
13 )My Camino... Sue Kenney
***You cannot go wrong with any book or DVD by Wayne Dyer, and Louise Hay .

Visit my website for more ideas...http://
***Majority of above titles are available on or .com

1 comment:

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