
Thursday, February 11, 2016

FULL MOON CREATES CHANGES...222/ February 22nd

Affirmation : It is safe for me to have peace in my life...and so it is!
I totally believe in the synchronicity of numbers that appear in our daily lives...on the clock, our smartphones and other forms of technology, even license plates!
Trust that these numerical appearances are sent to get our attention in our busy lives!
Life 101 can be very busy and sometimes stressful so it is important to take a minute, say an affirmation, talk to our angels or even call an old friend just because!
February 22 is a special day...222 and a Full Moon...powerful!
Understanding the energy a full moon brings to us can help us to move on from what does not serve us any longer...a dead end job, a relationship that we are no longer growing in or even a residential move.
Time to trust in yourself, realize your worth and release with love that which does not serve you.
Easy to say I know, but when we take time to study our lives we know it is time and I feel we are propelled by the positive energy and the strength of the full moon.
We are so fortunate to have these "openings" or "Satoris" as Wayne Dyer called them.
I found a post on my page tonight and thought of how timely it was and would like to share the ideas with you.
To Do List:
*Be grateful
*Be kind
*Let go of what I can't control or change
*Listen to my inner voice
*Be productive but calm.
*Breathe and most importantly TRUST!
Our lives are made up of two dates and a dash...let's make that dash exciting and memorable!
Enjoy the Full Moon and these musings of mine!😇

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