
Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13th...happily snowed in on Prince Edward Island!

Affirmation: All is well in my world...and so it is!
Well, if you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans! Was booked to fly back to Ontario today...was totally optimistic in spite of the "BLIZZARD" warnings... Mother Nature won!
I must say though...the blowing snow and howling wind, and believe me, it is howling, can be an inspiration. I brought all my files and info for upcoming shows and blogs into my room and have been very productive.
Funny how one lives their life and learns new things every day...I am always more inspired to write when in my den with papers all over my futon, than at a desk, and I usually put Sundays aside for this purpose! My sister Marian has noticed this and tells me my dad used to do exactly the same thing. Sundays would find him in his room, the Star and Telegram newspapers, a cup of tea and his books...I always feel his presence when I am working and now I know why. Thank you sis for enlightening me...makes sense now!
I am enjoying doing this blog and am opening it to questions from you, the readers..."everything you wanted to ask a Medium but were afraid to ask!"
I invite you to join me on my blog journey and I trust you will enjoy!
(If you wish to send message or question just your first name is necessary)
Going to get fresh coffee now and do couple of phone readings then back to my musings is good and the streets have disappeared with the white outs...
Enjoy the rest of your day☆♡

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carole, I have a few questions that Ive always wondered about.... Here goes....
    Why do I wake up at 3 am ? Does everyone have Guardian Angels and what/who are they?... How do we know if they are around us?..Also, I keep seeing dimes and pennies where ever I go......why? I look forward to your reply. Andrea
