Enjoying a beautiful day here in my studio on Prince Edward Island. #grateful
I am a great procrastinator when it comes to doing a blog...so I decided to sit down immediately after the show and 'git it done so here it is.
We are now in the wonderful time of Mercury in Retrograde (April 28th-May 22nd.) ***visit my website section "Articles" for more information.
Many feel this is a time of confusion and frustration and yes, it can be but, when used properly, it is also a period of endings and new beginnings in all areas of our lives.
An exciting time to take a long look at what does and doesn't serve us, on all levels!
In order to make changes we must have a clear mind set and I shared some homework with the awesome listeners today and
I trust you will enjoy and give it a try.
***Take some time in the next couple of weeks (no pressure ) and make a list of traits that you love/like about yourself...yes that's what I said! In order to exist we have to love/like ourselves first in order to attract the positive energy that is "out there" waiting for us to experience.
Next, make a list of what you would change about yourself. ..my "like" would be my sense of humor, my "not like" is procrastination.
Can you see how this simple exercise could help you to get to know yourself better? I sure hope so and would love some feedback when you have time.
***I also shared today that I am planning on doing LIVE Facebook feeds where you can join in and share thoughts and ideas with myself and others.
Of course I would appreciate your ideas on this...yay or nay!
I receive emails and texts from many people who are interested in knowing more about Guardian Angels, Synchronicity, Dreams, Crystals and the appearance of numbers in our daily lives I. E. 11:11 222 444 and much more.
Let's have some fun with this...I am willing but your interest is important!
I want to also mention a book today that I feel can help many with loss... Hello from Heaven by Bill and Judy Guggenheim. I have had the pleasure of interviewing Bill on my radio show...a very real and compassionate gentleman who has gone through losses of his own. I suggest you read it and pay it forward to anyone you feel could benefit from its message.
***to listen to the interview and other segments go to 560Cfos.ca and follow the podcast prompts.
Well, the sunshine and the ocean are calling and I kept my promise to myself to not procrastinate and complete this today...am actually proud of myself!
Enjoy and get busy with your lists...can be fun!😇
*** Tune in Saturday at 1pm est on 560Cfos for The Carole Matthews show.
For Private or telephone /Skype readings call/text me at
519 270 5988 or 902 315 4423.
Facebook page for LIVE is
Carole Matthews Psychic Medium