
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Super sizing our intentions and our energy!

Affirmation: I AM...and so it is!
A powerful affirmation to begin our day with...any words you add will manifest in a very short time. I AM successful, happy, healthy...and so on! I always seal my words with thank you, thank you, thank you for the good of all involved! My favorite Affirmation Dr. Anne Marie Evers taught myself and her many followers those magical words.
Waking up in the middle of the night with book chapters running through my mind I realized it was "that" time again! Full moon energy always makes my creative energies flow...this time even more so because it is a Super Moon, also called the Full Buck Moon! (No wonder I was awake, just the name gives a visual of power!)
 Although this moon falls today, Saturday July 12th I totally believe from past experiences that the energy will linger for a few days! Don't fret if you miss the opportunity to focus on your intentions or cleanse your crýstals this weekend (also a perfect time to smudge your home or office)...there will be two more of these powerful Super moons this year. Get that trusty daytimer out and highlight August 10th and September 9th, be prepared and enjoy the energy nature and  the Universe provides us with!
***for more information on Smudging and cleansing visit my website and enjoy an article I have written about the ancient art of clearing energy that no longer serves us!
I trust you will continue to visit my blogs and my website...I am enjoying fulfilling my Sagittarian female need for research and sharing it with you via my website and my weekly radio show and my
Facebook pages... "The Psychic and the Numerologist" and "Carole Matthews Messengerfiles"...lots of interesting information for you to enjoy!