
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Carole Matthews Psychic Medium: Gifts that keep giving!

Caroles’ Book List... Enjoy!

Affirmation: I allow myself to receive and so it is!
What a wonderful time of the year...a time to give and receive (although I believe every day is an opportunity to share with ourselves and others)
I have compiled a list of books etc. that I have enjoyed and feel many can benefit from their messages . Enjoy😇

1) Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness and much more...Dr.Anne Marie Evers
2) Hello from Heaven...Bill & Judy Guggenheim
3) The Four Agreements...Don Miguel Ruiz
4) When God Winks...Squire Rushnell
5) Animal Speak...Ted Andrews
6) Third Circle Protocol ... ..Georgina Cannon
7) You and Your Future...Georgia Nicols
8) If You Hear the Message Three Times Listen ...Patricia Heller
9) Live The Life You Were Born To Live... Dan Millman ***also available is Life Purpose App
10) Only Love is Real . ..Brian Weiss
11) Power of Intention...Wayne Dyer
12) Louise Hay...You Can Heal your Life ***also on DVD
13 )My Camino... Sue Kenney
***You cannot go wrong with any book or DVD by Wayne Dyer, and Louise Hay .

Visit my website for more ideas...http://
***Majority of above titles are available on or .com

Monday, August 14, 2017

Magical confusing August

Affirmation: E.W.O.P.   Everything Works Out Properly!
Well, how is your month so far? Lots of good I trust mingled with "what's up why am I not sleeping", "why am I feeling determined one minute and like a wet noodle in the next minute?"
Look no further...this has been and is continuing to be a restless month for many.
Full moons, New moons, Total lunar eclipses and Mercury in Retrograde August 13th -September 5th...oh joy!
I want to point out that in spite of all the confusion, world affairs etc I am #grateful #always be alive .
I am definitely not an Astrologer but my curious Sagittarius female mind knows a little about a lot!
***I can see that Mercury in Retrograde is in effect as I type fonts seem to be all over the place!
Soooo to carry on...August is a month of Abundance in all that we do. 8 is a number of prosperity and when you lay it on its side it is infinity!
Take the time this month to reevaluate where you have been, career and relationships, and where you want to be by next August.
Speak your truth during these magical moon changes and welcome the new sure you are thinking " hmmm what a concept. " Run with the interesting opportunities that are coming to you and welcome the changes.
***Always keep in mind that we will all have "bad hair days" that have a tendency to throw our positive thoughts off...pick yourself up brush yourself know the rest.
I am excited to say that I am finally getting my Facebook Live going... Wednesday 8pm est...simply visit my fb page
Http:// / CaroleMatthewsPsychic and join me.
A little to the side story here. .. I am the one who says be careful what you ask for and be specific.
Well two weeks  ago I said  " I need time to sit back and get my Fb live going. Well, the Universe heard me...I am sitting back accomplishing my goal because I twisted my ankle! (I needed to say " I have more than enough time to  get my FB LIVE together and on air!")
Oooopz. aware of your words my friends.
Going to go now, slowly but going to get my next venture up and running, no pun intended.
Visit my website, enjoy it and thank you in advance for listening to my Saturday 1pm est radio show via of the website
519 270 5988 for Private or Telephone readings coast to coast.